Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions and Where to Put Them

Not there! Sheesh.

 I have nothing against resolutions.
In fact, I make them every year: self-examination, goal setting, plans for the future, how to live as a better person. And I will do that again this year, pondering the ways I feel I need to stretch and grow as a person.

 Usually I write them down; in a journal or last year, here on the blog. But this year, the only written resolution I'm making is this...

...and it's going right on my computer.

My plan is to take each day as it comes and do my best. The rest is icing on the cake.

Happy 2012 to you all!


  1. That's mine, too. :) I know how hard it is to find the time when you have four kids, so I wish you luck!

  2. Happy New Year! I'm always ready to write more. Blog comments count, right? :P

  3. I need one of those post-its! Good luck with it.

  4. Happy 2012 to you too! We have the same idea for the new year. Here's to a great year! *cheers*

  5. Short and sweet. What can be better than that?

  6. Excellent resolution! It's one of mine too - we'll both achieve it, I'm sure.

  7. Sometimes simple is best! I hope you get lots of writing done this year!

  8. That's what I'm going to do too! Good luck to you.

  9. Good one! Happy New Year, and happy writing.
